Ammonium sulphate is a fast-acting acidic fertilizer used for alkaline soils. Its 21% nitrogen content helps replenish nitrogen-deficient and alkaline soils, thus closely linking market growth to human population growth. The demand for food crops is predicted to grow as the world's population continues to climb, propelling the agrochemical sector.

According to Fortune Business Insights, the global market for ammonium sulfate is expected to grow, from USD 1.08 billion in 2021 to USD 1.51 billion in 2028. Additional statistics also support this estimate. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that 160.492 million tons of ammonia were available worldwide in 2020 for fertilizer applications.

Given these growth expectations, some factors can influence market development, production, and even the end product:

Raw Material Prices

Price fluctuations for raw materials such as sulfur and ammonia have a big impact on how much ammonium sulphate costs to produce. The price of the finished product and market demand may be impacted by these variations. For example, a rise in the price of ammonia can increase the cost of producing ammonium sulfate, which could lower market demand. On the other hand, a drop in the price of raw materials can boost demand while lowering production costs.

Government Policies

Government policies play a crucial role in determining market dynamics. Ammonium sulphate markets can expand as a result of policies that encourage the use of nitrogen fertilizers. For example, government subsidies for nitrogen fertilizers can help farmers access this product at more affordable prices, thereby increasing demand. Additionally, stringent environmental policies can encourage the use of more efficient and environmentally friendly fertilizers, such as ammonium sulfate.

Climate Change

Climate change is also a significant factor influencing the ammonium sulphate market. Changes in weather patterns, such as temperature increases and alterations in rainfall patterns, can affect agricultural productivity and fertilizer demand. For instance, prolonged droughts can reduce crop production and fertilizer demand, while irregular rainfall can increase the need for fertilizers to improve crop yields.


In conclusion, the market for ammonium sulphate depends on factors such as population growth, agricultural demand, and global economic trends. As the world population continues to rise, the demand for food crops and consequently, agrochemicals like ammonium sulphate, is expected to increase. Despite facing challenges such as fluctuating raw material prices, government policies, and climate change, the market shows promising growth projections backed by reliable data.


If you are interested in exploring ammonium sulphate and other fertilizer products for your specific business needs, contact our sales representative. We are here to support you in finding the best solutions for your requirements.